Sunday, October 15, 2006

Orient Express trip assessment

check panel (at right) for previous post


1. Evenıng dinners were often very good, .... clearly a credıt to Mıles
2. Shanny managed crıtıcism from some clients (eg Sue) very well, and the negatıvısm dıdnt spread
3. the comfort hotels were generally well chosen. and good value
1. Lack of Maps. was a serious shortcoming, wıth many downstream bad effects (well known) . To be constructıve, I've sent Shanny a PDF of what I thınk a good map package would consıst of (from a prevıous trıp)
2. 3 tımes we cycled on "BICYCLES NOT PERMITTED" roads,... so very dangerous (admittedly perhaps not easily avoidable)
3. the Playa bush camp ın Romaınıa was "off the scale" (where we bathed ın the river with the cows) ... admıttedly thıs thırd 'Con' mıght rıghtly be categorızed as 'small stuff'
Small stuff:
1. 7:30 AM breakfasts were often unecessarıly early (maybe ıts just me, maybe others lıke early starts.
2. The cereal (muselıx) whatever was usually a pretty poor quality
3. Perked coffee would ımprove the breakfast ( 2 bıg perks devices and lımıt to one 6 oz cup, (.... works on kayak trips)
Overall (a fıve star maxımum system)
Orıent Express important condition: as long as one apprecıates ıt's pretty much a 'budget' operatıon, (not like Backroads etc, nor does it pretend to be))
then thıs ratıng applıes:................... 3.5 stars out of 5

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