Sunday, October 15, 2006

odd-ball observations

  • There ia a surfeit of stray dog and cats in eastern Europe ....... I didn't like the way they (Romanians especially) kept dogs chained-up as sort of an alarm system. Also many aggressive attacking dogs in Romania (not a surprise)
  • I lost 5 pounds, .............. and I assume I'm a bit more fit
  • I learned to distrust taxi-drivers in eastern Europe,... used tricks to cheat you (one notable exception), whereas shop vendors at least seemed honest (at least in my experience).
  • expensive fancy meals (say$50) were clearly less satisfying than simple inexpensive local-style meals examples only: $5/person meatballs/tomatoes/onion opposite the hotel in Kirkereli, ...great compared to: $50/person for tapas in Mokka cafe in Budapest ... was pretty much a disappointment
  • Gin and Tonic are both available through out eastern Europe at low prices, $10/liter (exception Turkey where its available but at $30/l)
  • "Campsites" as such don't seem available in Romania, Bulgaria, or Turkey, so 'camping' in motels backyard (with 2 rooms for shared toilet/showers) was an alternative
  • some of the overnight locations Orient Express used in the east didn't seem prearranged,..... kind of arranged on the spot
  • Orient Express cyclists were very varied in experience (for some their first trip), and I'm impressed that everyone was healthy throughout (minor exceptions), and a high "stuck to it" attitude to get the job done (very little van riding).
  • cycling 125km or more became pretty routine, ............but camping in the rain was an ordeal, whereas camping in warm dry weather with standard clean facilities was fine too.
  • British Airways did a good job overall (good meals, and on-time arrivals, going and coming (despite my bike arriving one day late in Paris)
  • I cycled the 4000 k with no flats, ... in fact I only topped up air twice. I did change one tire as a precautionery measure.
  • I think a road bike is best and the Litespeed Veneto performed well, and felt a mountain bike would have been a handicap (for me).
more Trivia (.... as if the above wasnt trivial enough)
  • yes Ive heard about the "mayonnaise" shot on Johannne Audys site (link beleow), ... they (Johanne and Lili) think it´s so funny, I don't know why.
  • I´ve taken not that many shots (compared to some), but I should try to see if I can use my reader
  • Some have suggested if I used gloves I would not have hurt my hand ....maybe so, butI never use gloves, .... I like the "free" feel of bare hands, .... except if its cold. My left hand is getting better daily and I can change gears with out getting off my bike now.
  • The thing about having liquid bandage or antiseptic wipes ON YOU (or saddle bag) when you fall, .... they are useless if they are in your luggage. The wipes are needed because one picks up a lot of grit, .... they say that if a hospital attends to a bike fall , they use a wire bush (or something like it)
  • We have arrived in Vienna today Aug 22 at 1:00 PM and there are 7 new riders joining us, plus one new staff (a woman, a van driver), and 9 more riders joining in Budapest. For me the trip is now getting more interesting, up to Vienna Ive done it before, whereas Slovakia, Hungary etc will be all new.

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