Sunday, October 15, 2006

July daily comments

July 27 British Airways flight to Paris via Heathrow, check in was a breeze, nobody in line
July 28 Arrived in Paris after excellent trip over on British Airways to find that my BIKE was missing..... now that is what I call a problem. At least the BA baggage people knew my luggage was missing since they had a list where my name was included
July 29 after a totally sleepless night fretting about my missing bike, it showed up by 2PM...WHAT A RELIEF!!! The group of 19 met, + staff got together in the lobby to go over the basics. The group seems pretty old, kind of my age, and quite a range of cycling experience.

July 30 (Day 1) to August 1 Paris, France to Chaumont...... 305Km over 3 days

July 30 Cycled as a group around Paris (Notre Dame, EiffelTower Arc de Tromphe) for 90 minutes, then 104.4Km to Provins camp site. Started to rain as we put up tents. Dinner was pasta and ratatouille, ... not bad
July 31 Cycled 78 Km to Troyes campsite, got in around 12:30. Cloudy but no rain. All meals are provided on cycle days, so far they are adequate enough but pretty slim on the protein side of things, actually diner tonight was much better: couscous with merguez sausages

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