Sunday, April 17, 2011

Virginia Apr 17-May 1 2011

This is a non-commercial trip arranged by Paul Lindsay, with arranging help from Nancy Hough.

May 1st Sun Upperville , 828 Km and 8H56min to home. Stopped in Welland to check out Jester bikes, ... but nobody home, despite advance email discussion.

April 30 Sat Upperville (last full day), was sunny but cool (maybe 71F max) went for a 75.3 Km ride to The Plains then on to Middleburg for lunch. Nice to have a beautiful ride to finish-off the trip. Paul tried valiantly to find a restaurant for the group final diner, ... but we had to split up, Went to the Red Fox, ... kind of deluxe. The general consensus was that it was a "very good trip", ...I agree, and at a all-in cost of say 40% of a similar overseas 2-week trip.

April 29 Friday Locust Dale to Upperville, was sunny in Locust Dale and 55F or but the day became cloudy, and never warmed up much, … drove the 105 km to Upperville (kind of a “horsey” area) to the Blackthorn Inn, not bad but a bit of a comedown from Meander Inn. Had lunch with Penny and Tom. Cycled with 4 women for a 34 km ride, not particularly noteworthy.

April 28 Thursday, 2nd of 3 nights, ... rainy so most went to target in Culpeper 30 km,bought bathroom wall cabinet (had been looking for one) and a hook-rail… pleased with my purchases. Then went for a 55Km ride, one of the nicest rides of the whole trip, 80F sunny no-wind. Dinner (lamb skewer) at the Inn was excellent as usual.

April 27 Wednesday Locust Dale up for 8:00 AM breakfast (asparagus fritata, rather fancy) …was a rather dull rainy cloudy day, so 7 of us decided to go to Monticelo (Thomas Jefferson’s home, third President), was able to sign up online (only way) for the group. An hour’s drive with Razick, Christine, Barbara Wilson, … the GPS was invaluable … got there 25 minutes before the other car (w/o GPS), despite my leaving 10 minutes later. The $22 House Tour was OK, but for Jefferson who championed independence, he had 200 slaves, …I found the hypocrisy a little hard to take ,… and I suppose I don’t have that much basic reverence for “things American”. |Following example of school kids during the day, back at the hotel I used the Internet, I learned to rhyme-off ~25 Cdn Prime ministers.

April 26 Tuesday 44min car to Locust Dale… nice, mid-80s weather, so then went 35Km bike ride to Madison by myself, starting at 2:30, …. bought fishing line to fix cycling sandals. At the bike shop.... bought a map case, and woman clerk saiid she'd get a garmin 800 gps via amazon herself, as opposed to a retail purchase. Then onto Meander Inn, our favourite place from 2010. Fancy dinner (near gourmet-style, I would say) at the hotel.

April 25 Monday, sunny, 87F... sunny pleasant, not hot, 75Km route, finished around 3pm. Ate 3 nature bars for lunch. Was $2 'burger night' at the Ale House, burger drink taxes tip =$6.22

April 24 Easter Sunday, sunny, 87F... scenic drive 2 hrs 36 minutes across Blue Ridge Mtns, to Fredericksburg, .... nice busy town, then went for 34 Km ride with Penny....used my camelback to good advantage. 13 went dinner at Thai restaurant.

April 23 Sat Lexington (2nd night) after a very rainy night, it was cloudy, pretty warm say 70F. Decided to not do the remote start, and just do the local loop, 53Km. The first few Km were hilly, but after that it was just rolly and fairly sunny. Were back in Lexington for lunch, Le Bistro on Main, …and good but pricey, $15. Dinner was BBQ chicken that Nancy and Barb picked up, … good and so reasonable at $5.

April 22 Friday, Staunton to Lexington, 44Km, kind of dull dreary day, raining off and on, … not conducive to cycling so simply drove to Lexington, had lunch in wifi’d health food store (lentil stew), … went to see George C Marshall (of Marshall plan) museum in Lexington for couple hours, till 3:00 pm…. quite interesting and educational (if you know about the Marshall, as I sort of do). The Maple Hall country inn is an old farmhouse

April 21 Thursday, sunny, but cool, low 60s, did the so-called long route about 60km, nice day overall, not windy. Tonight: Shakespere's "As you Like it", … not my cup of tea, ... but we'll see.

April 20 Wednesday in Staunton for 3 nights, ... charming old multi-building complex, sort of like a B&B, in downtown core. The weather was fairly nice. Then met Jim and Jean and went for a 31 km ride starting at 3PM, in an area that reminded me much of the Eastern Townships. Went to the Mill for ribs, overall a great dining experience…. I mean it, … it was great, inexpensive and good.

April 19, Tuesday onto Staunton. Most cycled out of Harpers Ferry and got wet … it looked like rain to me, so decided to go directly to Staunton. Left around 9:30 for the two-hour drive. Stopped in Harrisonburg to checkout the local Costco, bought a rolling duffle bag because my 10 year old one is failing. Cycled with Jim and Jean 35 km or so.

April 18 Harpers Ferry West Virginia cycled around the Gettysburg battlefields and listened in to the guides giving talks, was warmish 60F to start but the day got cooler and I was only wearing a cycling shirt, so quit early. ...then hour drive through Maryland to Harpers Ferry, where mostly sunny and 70F.... dinner in a pub blackened chicken.

April 17 Gettysburg, 774Km, 8 hours ....70% of roads were 401-like, but the other 30% are meandering through tedious small highways and towns(... like "47km on Ellicott Ave"). Only surprise was that the Camry Hybrid battery kicks-in on going up long hills, a surprise (no hills to speak of in Toronto). Obviously the wheels "feed" the battery on the downhills (expected that), but didnt expect the battery to help at all on the climb... I'm impressed. Also new Garmin nuvi 1390 GPS from Costco seems to work well, ....a touch better than the Magellan. Had a group (13) dinner at Italian restaurant, had grilled swordfish. Weather is not looking promising for next few days.

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