Saturday, August 13, 2011

Velo Quebec Grand Tour 2011 Aug 6-12 2011 Impressions:

$850/ 7days.... overall rating, 7.5 maybe an “8”, even though we had 2 days of rain
    • Good thing: as usual VQ is extremely well organized for 2000 participants, website
    • Good thing: over 100km/day for 7 days... seemed to go by in a flash
    • Good thing: meals were excellent, varied, almost on the “haute cuisine” side
    • Good thing: routes (Prince Edward County and 1000 Island Parkway) were beautiful
    • Good thing: met 7 people Id met before
    • Good thing: staying with the Fitzgeralds in Brockville the night before start … nice
    • Bad thing: rained 2 days, clearly not fun when camping, ... but makes you appreciate one’s rather “cushy” life otherwise
    • Bad thing: route on Rideau lakes area (Day1 Day 2) was pretty routine (=boring)
    • Bad thing: a couple shower facilities were were really sub par (1 hr waits)
    • Strange: they weighed each bag, to meet 20Kg limit, excess back to vehicle
    • Strange: the caterers came from far: Belleville's from Ottawa, Kingston's from Sherbrooke
    • Strange: participants equipment (esp bikes and clothing) seemed rather high-end almost across the board
  • Will consider going again next year