Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Honduras, Scuba Jan 2008

Returned Jan 25/08 from Honduras, Island of Roatan, Fantasy Island, Jan 18/25

Why....Got a Christmas card from Mississauga Diving Shop, promoting this trip. Remembered that an Air Canada pilot in San Salvador last year thought Fantasy Island was great,.... so decided to give it a try.

Great direct flight... Skyservice Toronto/Roatan .... which was nice. The resort called "Fantasy Island" is a bit like a rather tacky Club Med. .... http://www.fantasyislandresort.com/
  • the group of 17 (incl. 2 non divers), mostly from Toronto who pretty much know each other, had a high proportion of heavy people [BMIs well over 30] .... not like a cycling group.
  • the group had several rather experienced divers, .... several who act as diving instructors (divemasters) back home .
  • The Honduran crew was a bit casual, and rather minimalist on safety..... but OK, I guess, in view of the group's relatively high experience .
  • The actual diving was somewhat better than (my) average
  • found that my new equipment Scuba Pro Knighthawk BCD, MK25 / G250 regulator served me well, .... pleased with it. Maybe should buy a new set of fins and mesh gear bag. Found that I was cold on the second dive with my 2/3 wetsuit, water temp: 81F
  • tipped the boat captain and divemaster $40 combined, or about 14%
  • had one night dive, Jan 22, which was quite good {.... normally, I'm not crazy about night dives}
  • went on a 4 hour van tour of the island on the last day,.... most islanders speak English, maybe because Roatan was a British colony in the 1850s. GG