Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hawaii Big Island Nov 18/06

General impression
: ....
very impressed overall, kind of "rural" everywhere, not too developed (not like Ohau), food is varied, reasonably priced, and very good, .....but most of all the weather is perfect, sunny and about 30 celcius. Cycling fortunately creates its own breeze.

Dec 10 bought another 1.75 liter Gordon's gin at 15.99 USD to take home. Took van taxi to airport, United didn't charge $75 for the bike, ... to my surprise. Flight to SFO was 37 minutes early, bike and luggage arrived in Toronto fine.
Dec 9, cycled 93 k to Kailua Kona, wind had mostly subsided, stopped for lunch at Kings Shops.
Dec 8, started out fine (not too sunny) but once we got to Wimea, a powerful wind came up (although very sunny). The wind was so strong that some sissies (including Doug Hinchcliffe) had to be vanned to the hotel (in the van of shame) the Kohala Mountain road 3564 feet. Most didnt like the wind, .... but I kind of liked the wind. The wind was so strong I had to walk sections where there was no wind break. Once you satrted down the other side your momentum gave you more stability, and it wasnt so difficult. Tomorrow is the last day into Kona. Told Peter I was 90% sure I'd do the Nfld trip in July 2007
Dec 7 cycled 73 km to Honokaa, better weather than last week, diner in a pizza place, the spagetti special, watched Survivor
Dec 6 rest day in Hilo, went ot the internet for 2 hours, lunch in the natural foods coffe shop, went to Cafe Pesto with Doug Sonia and Chris, .... had shrimp and scallops, ...excellent.
Dec 5, 119 km downhill to Hilo,...had a flat. This was the first day when the second tour is better than the first time around. Stayed three hours at the hot pool... clear sun, .... this time I had a bathing suit (new Tyr speedo)., ...couldnt figure out where all the others had gone, except for the 5 of us . Dinner with Peter Anna Doug Rory accross the street from Hotel, ahi special, ... very good.
Dec 4, partial sun, did the 11 mile rim ride and saw the documentary in the visitor centre, exccellent Thai dinner at the Thai restaurant. Doug got lost walking from one B&B to the other, in a town that has only three streets, took hom 45 or more minutes for a 17 minute walk.
Dec 3, cloudy and rainy, climbed 4000 feet, Peter prepared his pasta special, stayed at the Loaki lodge, ... very nice.
Dec 2 cloudy all day and kind of depressing
Dec 1 2006 First day with the new group and just 25 k to Captain Cook, a short ride and did the snorkling thing. In the evening since it wasnt Monday (restaurant is closed) we has dinner in the hotel, and everybody agreed it was excellent. I had a steak.

Nov 30 2006 "change over" day (no cycling). The old group (of 14) is finishing, and the next group (of 15) arrives. Did my laundry in the hotel laundomat, went to Wal-Mart to get photos transfered to a CD for Bill Mander (who is leaving) to make a photoshow of sorts with Hawaiian music, though my pics arent really anything special. Bought a pair of fit-over sunglasses, something my opthamologist stronly recommended but I couldnt find in Toronto. Doug and I bought a Hawaii shirt as a gift for Peter, ... seems to like it.
Nov 29 2006, cycled 93 km back to Kona (our origin). After a tropical start on the north coast the typography changed to near desert, and fairly hot - cycled with no shirt. Stopped in at a resort comlpex (Marroitt, Hiltons, others) for lunch, .... kind of an artificial setting, especially since the whole place was in the middle of a lava field, ... but very nicely done, nice landscaping.
Nov 28 2006 a day off, so we cycled about 6 mi to a cliff, descended 400 ft or so down a path, and sat on the beach for a while. The beach by nature was really rough big waves, and not swimable.... kind of an easy day. Dinner at Bamboo, was "OK", and fairly pricey I suppose, but was dampened by one member who made a holly stink about paying the bill (wanted separate checks).
Nov 27 2006 cycled to Hawi, possibly the best cycling day anywhere! along the Kohala Mountain road, 3654 feet at the crest, ... simply beatuful. Restaurants on Mondays are often closed, so we bought take-out, and ate at the hotel
Nov26 2006 Cycled along the north coast to Honakaa, not much of a place, went to Tex Mex for Hawaii meal, sort of.... possibly the least interesting meal to date. ... a kind of so-called Lomi Salmon,
Nov 25 2006 Now on 7th day in Hawaii, on the big island, ... first chance at internet cafe. Went to look at Rainbow falls, cycled around town
Nov 24 Fri 121 K to Hilo with significant side trip to the hot pools. Nice ride along the sea, although we didnt see the sea that often.
Nov 23 Thurs rest day in Volcano , walked down to crater with Jetje and back along rim. Peter prepared pasta dinner.
Nov 22 Wed , downhill for 10k then climbed 4000 feet which sounds difficult but wasnt, staying in 2 B&B, and others prepared pork-chop dinner ...good.
Nov 21 Tues, 81 k ride to a small basic hotel, then got vanned to dinner
Nov 20. Mon a fairly short ride to Captain Cook, then went snorkling, wasnt nearly as good as the Carribean, ... dinner in Mexican restarant, ... if you can imagine
Nov 19 kind of a rest day, before begining to cycle, ... went on a small excursion, very hot and climbs were steep and wondered what I had let meself in for. Bought a set of flippers and a snorkel, since the ones I have rip my feet.
Nov 18 Flight from Toronto - San Francisco - Kona was fine each segnment was about 5.5 hours, wit a 5 hour wait in SanFrancisco. No meals are served, but you acn buy sandwhiches.